


On October 14, 2021, the China Israel Medical Technology Investment Conference was jointly organized by the China Israel Chamber of Commerce, viameshi, China Israel (Shanghai) innovation park, and the national technology transfer Eastern Center to explore China's investment opportunities in the field of medical technology in Israel, Create a good environment for cooperation among thousands of companies operating medical care and life sciences in China and Israel.

專題座談會(huì)/Panel Discussion

來自以色列政府、中國醫(yī)療領(lǐng)域和中國公共部門的代表們出席了此次在中以(上海)創(chuàng)新園(CIIH)舉辦的活動(dòng)?;顒?dòng)包含了專題座談會(huì),由BIE集團(tuán)的總經(jīng)理伊萬·梅爾尼科夫(Ivan Melnikov)先生主持,參與座談的嘉賓有:以色列駐上??傤I(lǐng)事館商務(wù)領(lǐng)事韓寧偉(Niv Hanan)先生、復(fù)星醫(yī)藥副總裁兼精準(zhǔn)醫(yī)療產(chǎn)業(yè)部總經(jīng)理汪曜先生、維昌洋行中國有限公司醫(yī)療板塊總經(jīng)理薛彧女士、SinoScience首席執(zhí)行官塞格夫·哈芬(Segev Halfon)先生和來自以色列西博雷特律師事務(wù)所的趙佳欣女士。與會(huì)嘉賓探討了未來以色列醫(yī)療技術(shù)在中國的發(fā)展態(tài)勢和投資機(jī)會(huì)。

Representatives from the Israeli government, Chinese medical field, and the public sector in China came to the event that was held at the China Israel Innovation Hub (CIIH). The event comprised of a panel discussion hosted by BIE’s GM Mr. Ivan Melnikov, including the Economic Consul of Consulate General of Israel in Shanghai Mr. Niv Hanan; the Vice president and GM, Division of Precision Healthcare at Fuson Pharma Mr. William Wang; the GM of  Ekpac Medical Ms. Julie Xue; the CEO of Sinosciences LTD Mr. Segev Halfon; and the Associate lawyer at Shibolet & Co. Ms. Jiaxin Zhao. The panelists discussed opportunities for the future of Israeli med-tech in China.

在線路演/Online Roadshow


此次大會(huì)后半程包括一場路演活動(dòng),幾家優(yōu)秀的以色列公司通過線上的方式向現(xiàn)場連線對中國投資者介紹了他們的創(chuàng)新醫(yī)療科技與服務(wù)。參與此次在線路演的以色列公司包括:SabarHealthTytoCareSanollaHera-medRuilou Neurotech-solutions和 Vayyar。每家公司都介紹了自身產(chǎn)品在醫(yī)療領(lǐng)域技術(shù)的應(yīng)用,包含疾病治療、設(shè)備診斷和懷孕監(jiān)測等。路演最后,每家公司還設(shè)置了快速的問答環(huán)節(jié),從而進(jìn)一步加深了解,激發(fā)兩國之間的合作。

The second half of the conference included a roadshow. Several excellent Israeli companies introduced their innovative medical technologies and services to Chinese investors through online connection. Israeli companies participating in the line show include sabarhealth, tytocare, sanolla, Hera Med, ruilou neurotech solutions and vayyar. Each company introduced the application of its products in medical technology, including disease treatment, equipment diagnosis and pregnancy monitoring. At the end of the roadshow, each company also set up a quick Q & a session to further deepen understanding and stimulate cooperation between the two countries.
